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personal and planetary health begin with your

Daily Practice


The Livingheart Daily Practice Assessment is our primary tool to help humans measure and improve their impact on the Planet.


We offer personal guidance in a variety of forms to support you where you're at.



We are here to help. Make the choice to take a first step.


Livingheart offers guidance aimed at making you the best human you can be, for yourself and our planet. 

Livingheart analysts guide individuals to optimize their daily practice through the use of lifestyle investigation, health related research, and systems-based, sustainable environmental approaches. We provide specific tools, resources, knowledge and insights to empower successful changes in your daily practice. These changes will collectively lead to a steady and resilient life practice - meaningfully rooted in health and the environment.

What we do.

It’s time for health and sustainability to come together in one approach.

  • Humans are Heterotrophs

  • Growing + Supplying

  • Local Foods

  • Food Systems Concepts

  • Meals + Eating

  • Hydration


  • Micro-Environment

  • Body Care + Hygiene

  • Immediate Family

  • Needs + Wants

  • Broad Impacts 


  • Transportation

  • Technology

  • Time Management

  • Work + Home

  • Relationships + Connection

  • Sleep

Daily Activities

  • Connection

  • Exploration

  • Senses

  • Home + Belonging

  • Integration


  • Exercise + Fitness

  • Functional Application

  • Awareness 

  • Mental + Cognitive

  • Social


The 5 Core Areas.

Understanding our impact can be difficult, so we created 5 Core Areas to represent categorical spheres within the life of a human, where human health is tangibly connected to the health of planet earth. The Topics within each Core Area showcase where the choices you make can be measured and then transcribed to how responsible your impact is. Some of these choices happen every day, and some of these choices happen less frequently. Cumulatively, they add up to your daily, and ultimately, life practice. 


Within the Livingheart approach, the choices we make all belong to one of these Core Areas. When measured collectively, they represent your total impact and how healthful your daily practice is.  They represent your Drop; your impact. Each line of the drop represents a Core Area score. The higher the scores, the more balanced and robust the Drop becomes. 




Take the Daily Practice Assessment to find your baseline. The launch point is your daily practice; the habits, routines, and patterns that make up your everyday life.



Work with a Livingheart Analyst to catalyze changes and make them sustainable. We set you up to build the healthy and thriving future you want, for you and planet earth.

